Visite thématique de la place de la République : “Saint Jean Eudes, prêtre missionnaire”

On the occasion of its exhibition "De la place Royale à la place de la République. Four centuries of the history of the city of Caen (1575-1975)", the Musée de Normandie offers tours of the Place de la République, focusing on three main themes:Saint-Jean Eudes, missionary priestSummer 44, a square under the bombsFrom the "petits prés" to the Place Royale
Saint-Jean Eudes, prêtre missionnaire" tour, with access to the Notre-Dame de la Gloriette church ? Duration: 2 hours:
A key figure in Caen?s religious life, Jean Eudes is represented throughout the city: sculptures, frescoes, bas-reliefs, paintings? A neighborhood also bears his name. But do we really know him?
On this tour, from the Vieille Mission he founded and where he died, to the church of Notre-Dame de la Gloriette where his relics were preserved for a time, to the Seminary and Order of Notre-Dame de la Charité he founded, (re)discover this missionary priest canonized in 1925.
Price: ?6 per person, bookable via the museum?s online ticketing service (under Musée de Normandie > Adult activities). Each participant receives an invitation to the exhibition.


On Thursday 10 October
Thursday Open from 14h30 to 16h30


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 6€