Spectacle : Soleil Planète

A bewitching, euphoric electro-pop concert, a veritable hymn to joy! With captivating melodies blending acoustic and electric guitars, dynamic samples and electro beats, the duo transports you into a world of celebration and magic.

It's an invitation to take offbeat paths, sing and dance together, and let yourself be carried away by the positive vibes. An unforgettable experience!

Public: 0-5 years

Use your Pass Culture to attend shows at the Théâtre du Champ Exquis.
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Group rate for 10 people or more, 1 free ticket. Contact us beforehand to book.


On Sunday 01 December
Sunday Open from 11h to 11h30 and from 16h to 16h30
On Wednesday 04 December
Wednesday Open from 9h30 to 10h and from 10h45 to 11h15


Price Min. Max.
Child rateTarif 0-3 ans 5€
Adult rateTarif accompagnateurs des 0-3 ans 5€
Child rateTarif enfants (4-12 ans) 5,50€
Reduced rateTarif ados et tarif adultes réduit 7€
Base rate 8,50€