How can we reinvent the relationship between caregiver and cared-for, and take it out of the single prism of illness? Gathered around an original choreographic creation, 13 patient-caregiver duos sketch out their touching and delicate responses.

In a patient-caregiver pairing, illness is both what separates and what unites, in an often destabilizing pas de deux. Anxiety, discouragement, exhaustion, aggression, anger, frustration, the projection of one?s feelings and anxieties onto the other, all contribute to creating a new relationship that can sometimes be a source of conflict. How can we find a new balance? How can we imagine the creation of a duo (wife-husband, child-parent, relative-friend) where a peaceful relationship is established with oneself, with the other and with others? This is the vast yet intimate field explored by the participative creation A MI-AMI, imagined over six weekends of workshops where experimentation and improvisation will give rise to scenes that may be danced, spoken or sung. In the unprecedented role of performers, patients and loved ones will be able to see themselves differently, to imagine other kinds of relationships, to set themselves in motion, to welcome the unexpected, to question their relationships with humor, to accept touching and being touched, to take care of themselves and others. The piece is thus a joyful adventure of self-discovery and discovery of others through a creative process.


Du Friday 28 March 2025
au Saturday 29 March 2025
Friday Opens at 20h
Saturday Opens at 20h