Travel back in time to meet the people of Caen in 1025! Under the banners of the Confrérie Normande and the Héritage Normand collective, historical re-enactment companies offer a life-size immersion in the daily life of the town of Cadomus at the time of Duke Richard II, the grandfather of William the Conqueror. Agricultural know-how, craft techniques, religious and intellectual life, the maneuvers and training of infantrymen, archers and horsemen, the chansons de gestes of the Nessamelda company... the 11th century will hold no more secrets for you.
Medieval markets, games and entertainment, taverns and brasseries complete the historical walk.
Opening times are as follows
march 22: 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
march 23: 10:00 am to 6:30 pm
Du Saturday 22 March 2025 au Sunday 23 March 2025 | |
Saturday | Closes at 19h |
Sunday | Closes at 19h |
- Free for all