Conférence – La construction du stade Maurice Hélitas et des piscines caennaises, d’une politique d’équipements sportifs locale à gouvernementale

label millénaire

This lecture looks at the history of the construction of the Maurice Hélitas stadium (1920-1925) and the Caen swimming pools (1932-2017). In addition to the issues at stake for the community and the specific characteristics of each of these sports facilities, the aim is to shed light on the historical contexts, the players and the local and/or governmental policies that underpinned their construction.

Based at the UFR STAPS de Caen Normandie, Emmanuel Auvray is an agrégé in physical education, holds a doctorate in STAPS and is an associate member of the Laboratoire Histoire, Territoires, Mémoires (UR 7455) at Caen Normandie University. His research focuses on the history of physical education, the history of sport and the territorial history of sporting areas.


On Saturday 22 March 2025
Saturday Open from 14h to 15h


  • Free for all