Randonnées pour la Paix

Walking tour. On Thursday May 8, 2025, the "Randonnées pour la Paix" will take place on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Europe, to preserve the memory of the men who suffered to defend our freedom. They will also pay tribute to all those who, in 2025, are still suffering the consequences
7 itineraries starting from the Côte de Nacre to the Caen Memorial. This event is also part of Caen?s millennium celebrations, since "La Paix et la Trêve de Dieu" (Peace and God?s Truce) was programmed by William the Conqueror at the Council held in Caen in the 11th century.

In partnership with the region?s "Battelfield for Peace" operation, this event will benefit Handicap International.

Peace picnics will be held near the Pegasus Bridge and in the Memorial Valley before the start of the afternoon hikes.


On Thursday 08 May 2025
Thursday Open


Price Min. Max.
Base ratesur réservation 5€