Conférence – Caen dans ses murs : ville close, ville éclose. Du Moyen Âge à l’époque moderne

label millénaire

A product of the Hundred Years? War, Caen?s medieval city walls were not fully developed until after the conflict, when they were downgraded by advances in gunpowder attack artillery. Around 1560-1570, after a century of alterations, the updating of the urban defensive system was put on hold. The need arose to loosen the walled city?s corset. The seemingly contradictory impetus came from Henri IV in the 1590's. Caen was encouraged to build a bastioned front to defend itself, while at the same time being given an attractive free trade fair to open up its economy. The establishment of the fair?s headquarters in one of the bastions under construction led to a number of public works that helped to open up the urban area and develop a new district. The modern city of Caen was born.


On Sunday 23 March 2025
Sunday Open from 14h30 to 15h30


  • Free for all