As part of Caen's millennium celebrations, the Mille danses heureuses - Mille project by Olivier Viaud's V.O. company explores the history of dance in Caen through the ages, combining professional and amateur performances, and highlighting famous and forgotten local figures. Hubert Hazebroucq, dancer, choreographer and teacher, presents a lecture entitled "Danser à Caen sous Louis 15 d'après des archives de maîtres à danser".
The Archives du Calvados hold a unique collection of documents relating to the activities of two dancing masters present in Caen in the 18th century (2E/697). Hardouin taught and published several theoretical and technical texts. He may also be the originator of copies of choreographic notations using the Beauchamps-Feuillet system preserved in the archives. Jean-Baptiste Médor, on the other hand, who was undoubtedly his pupil, is of mixed race, born in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti), where he was a slave. His exceptional career led him to become both dancing master and trusted administrator of the Normandy estates of the Countess d'Hautefeuille, until her death in 1768. A number of letters offer an evocative insight into his two activities.
The lecture will introduce these two Caen dance figures, and outline the historical, professional and artistic context in which their practices developed. It will also look in more detail at the various choreographic styles and forms of the period, and their use at balls, on stage and in schools. The evolution of dance, and the debates to which it gave rise, will also be highlighted, thanks in particular to sources linked to Hardouin.
Finally, the musical scores in the "Médor collection" will be highlighted with the participation of students from the Early Music department of Caen's Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional, who will perform significant extracts of music that accompanied lessons or balls in Normandy under Louis 15.
On Monday 23 June 2025 | |
Monday | Open from 18h to 19h30 |
- Free for all