Exposition “Caen, un été 44, la vie continue”

The "Caen, un été 44, la vie continue" exhibition pays tribute to the thousands of civilians present at the Abbaye in 1944, through photos, archive documents and personal objects.
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a new exhibition space presents the role of the Fred Scamaroni company of the Forces Françaises de l'Intérieur (FFI) alongside the Canadians and British in the fighting to liberate Caen and the surrounding region in the summer of 1944.Not to be missed: a copy of the famous Battle of Caen flag, the second tricolour to have flown over the city in July 1944, has been hand-sewn for the occasion. Find out more about its history before seeing it for real on caen.fr.A visit booklet for families and children (7-10 years) is available free of charge from reception.The admission ticket also includes a visit to the exhibition-event Joséphine Baker, libre et engagée and Panorama Caen d'après-guerre, 1948.


From Monday 03 June to Sunday 03 November
Monday Open
Tuesday Open
Wednesday Open
Thursday Open
Friday Open
Saturday Open
Sunday Open


Price Min. Max.
Adult rate 6€
Student rate 3€
FreePour les Caennais, personnes de - de 18 ans...