Exposition – Madeleine Riffaud, Résistante

label millénaire

In 1942, Madeleine Riffaud joined her first network, the Étudiants de l?assistance publique, via a young resistance fighter from Caen. Little by little, she climbed the ranks before joining the Francs-tireurs et partisans. On July 19, 1944, she killed a German army non-commissioned officer on orders, and was subsequently imprisoned and tortured by the Gestapo. An exchange of prisoners enabled her to take part in the fighting for the Liberation of Paris.

It was in 2017, on discovering her testimony, that scriptwriter Jean-David Morvan asked her to write a comic strip about her extraordinary life: her career as a member of the Resistance and as a great reporter-poet. At the time, he was unaware of the magnitude of the "adventure" he had just embarked on with illustrator Dominique Bertail, which would lead them both to the Prix Goscinny, when the first volume of the Madeleine, Résistante series is published by Dupuis in 2021.

Two further volumes have since been published: L?édredon rouge (2023) and Les nouilles à la tomate (2024). Madeleine Riffaud died on November 6, 2024, at the age of 100. This exhibition was organized to coincide with the publication of the album Madeleine, résistante, by Editions Dupuis, under the Aire Libre label.

Meet Jean-David Morvan and Dominique Bertail, on March 18 and 22!

Practical info
Opening on March 22 at 5pm!
Date : Exhibition from March 14 to June 15
Opening hours: 10am to 6pm
Place : Bibliothèque Alexis-de-Tocqueville
Free admission


Du Friday 14 March 2025
au Sunday 15 June 2025
Monday Open from 10h to 18h
Tuesday Open from 10h to 18h
Wednesday Open from 10h to 18h
Thursday Open from 10h to 18h
Friday Open from 10h to 18h
Saturday Open from 10h to 18h
Sunday Open from 10h to 18h


  • Free for all