Festival Ribambelle | Mini-concert : Le fou de chânaï

Chânaï the innkeeper and his fellow villagers take to the stage with their instruments. Through stories invented by the Turkish storyteller Nasreddine Hodja, buffoonish, absurd and sometimes naughty, the melodies, sometimes orientalizing, sometimes abstract or evoking a circus atmosphere, transport us into a playful, offbeat universe. The electronic music, played through loudspeakers, extends and reinforces the magic of this show, in which children and adults alike will find their own ?tale?.

A show that invites us to rediscover our innocent, joyful and serious childhood.

As part of Aspects, festival des musiques d'aujourd'hui.

In bookshops: Nassredin Hodja has been the subject of numerous stories, including Nasreddin Hodja, "un drôle d?idiot", published by MOTUS, and Nasreddine's "Sagesse et Malices", "le fou qui était sage", published by Albin Michel.

Public: from 6 years


On Wednesday 12 March 2025
Wednesday Open from 17h to 17h45