Grand Soir/ Nathalie Koble – L’effet Bien à toi – Poésie Effets spéciaux

Poetry is never alone... it always addresses itself, it carries a voice. Yours, yours: from one space to another, from one time to another, between languages, a poetic text always revolves around a more or less obvious sending that conditions its form, its memory and its lines of flight.

Nathalie Koble is a medievalist, translator and poet. This meeting is hosted by Stéphane Bouquet and Anne Portugal.

cycle Poésie Effets spéciaux :
Let's talk poetry! It's said to be sold, read and written just about everywhere. Two poets, Stéphane Bouquet and Anne Portugal, discuss poetry's long history and current situation, interviewing a number of special guests about the very special effects of poetry... to be continued throughout the autumn.

Free admission, but remember to reserve!
A bar and light refreshments are available before and after the meetings.
La Sofia and the Eureka Street bookshop are partners of the literary meetings.

Don't forget them! Twisto is a partner of the Imec's cultural program: buses 20 and 21 serve the Ardenne stop, and a free shuttle bus runs to downtown Caen at 10 pm on meeting nights.


On Thursday 10 October
Thursday Open from 20h to 22h


  • Free for all