Grentheville fête sa libération

Saturday July 2010am: Opening of the camp11:30am: Inauguration of the military camp and exhibition at the stadium, followed by a "pot de l'amitié "3pm: Departure in procession to the Goodwood stele (Route de Falaise). Stops at war memorials in the towns we pass through.15h: Return to the camp21h: Trio-Girl swing show22h30: FireworksSunday, July 218h50: Opening of the camp. Pipe Band Cornemuses present10:30 - 11:30am: Mass at the Grentheville monastery11:30am: Wreath-laying at the war memorialaround 12:30pm: Vin d'honneur at the stadium
Catering on site all weekend, Jeep rides.


From Saturday 20 July to Sunday 21 July
Saturday Open
Sunday Open


  • Free for all