La Maladrerie et le quartier Saint-Paul | RDV Découverte

The commercial heart of La Maladrerie, once a hamlet of Caen like La Folie and Couvre-chef, is on the Planître and on market day rue du Général Moulin. A 12th-century leprosarium that became a central prison in the early 19th century, the Maladrerie is adjacent to Beaulieu, from where the view extends as far as the Cinglais. The church of Saint Germain de la Blanche Herbe dominates this district. Further down, the Saint Paul district boasts Swedish houses and the architecture and fresco of its church.
A tour led by Pierre Bonard.
Practical informationAs places are limited, reservations are essential. Ticket sales open on October 16, 2024, online and at tourist information offices in Caen and Ouistreham.


On Tuesday 05 November
Tuesday Open from 14h to 16h


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 7€
Reduced ratePersonnes en situation de handicap, scolaires, étudiants, demandeurs d’emploi 6€
FreeMoins de 10 ans

Availability and reservation