Le Moho à Caen | RDV Découverte | COMPLET

MoHo was born of the desire to have a positive impact on the environment and society. MoHo is Europe's first collider, bringing together corpos, start-ups, freelancers, associations, students and researchers. The tour will give you an insight into the structure's activities, its history, how it works and its impact at different levels.
Practical informationThe number of places is limited, so reservations are essential. Tickets will not be available on site on the day of the visit, and payment must be made on reservation.ticket sales open on October 13 at 10:00 am, online and at tourist information offices in Caen and Ouistreham.


On Thursday 31 October
Thursday Open from 14h to 15h30


Price Min. Max.
Adult rate 7€
Reduced ratePersonnes en situation de handicap, scolaires, étudiants, demandeurs d’emploi 6€
FreeMoins de 10 ans

Availability and reservation