Le patrimoine de Louvigny – Complet

Louvigny, a charming village, has kept its historical aspect by geography.
From Caen, you have to cross two meadows that are often flooded and then go along the wood of the Bernières family castle park. In the middle of the village, an old guinguette on the Planître completes the image of Epinal. A large embankment protects it from the overflow of the Orne.
A little further on, the ford of Athis that Duke William once crossed is marked by the old Priory that has become a farm.
A visit by Pierre Bonard
Practical informationThe number of places is limited, so reservations are essential. The ticket office opens on January 12 at 10:00 am, online and in the tourist information offices of Caen and Ouistreham.


On Thursday 12 June 2025
Thursday Open from 14h to 16h


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 7€
Reduced ratePersonnes en situation de handicap, Scolaires, étudiants, demandeurs d’emploi 6€
FreeMoins de 10 ans

Availability and reservation