Les Grandes Fêtes Vikings au parc Ornavik

Join us in Ornavik from July 18 to 20, 2025, for 3 days of festivities at the 9th edition of the ?Great Viking Festivals?

An event not to be missed!
Numerous re-enactors from all over France, Belgium and England join the association?s volunteers to evoke the civil and military life of 10th-century men and women.
From textile manufacture to combat techniques, from coalmining to shipbuilding, from jewelry to funeral rites... Come and discover the crafts that made up their daily lives, as well as the elements essential to the smooth running of their communities.
An immersion in the Viking era for the whole family.
- 10th-century Scandinavian crafts (wool and woodworking, pottery, leather tanning and making, coinage and jewelry, glass spinning, tablet weaving, shield making, beehive products)
- Fighting demonstrations
- Track games
- Board games
- Participatory storytelling
- Lectures on Scandinavian society
- Battle story: The siege of Paris in 885
And given the success of last year's event, the Ornavik Games will be held again in 2025: a series of events to decide between the associations present in their quest for the trophy.
On the program: glima (Viking wrestling), knatlekir (ball and stick game), tug-of-war, shield raising and skaldic poetry jousting.


Du Friday 18 July 2025
au Sunday 20 July 2025
Friday Open
Saturday Open
Sunday Open


Price Min. Max.
Adult rate 18€
Child rate 12€
Family Price 49€
Free 0€
Reduced rateBas-carbone, Hérouvillais, étudiant, demandeur d'emploi, sur justificatif 15€

Availability and reservation