L’unité de valorisation énergétique de Colombelles – COMPLET

SIRAC (Société pour l'Incinération des Résidus Urbains de l'Agglomération Caennaise) treats and recovers energy from household, industrial and health care waste from the city of Caen and 90 surrounding municipalities on behalf of SYVEDAC (Syndicat pour la Valorisation et l'Elimination des Déchets de l'Agglomération Caennaise).
This event is offered free of charge by SYVEDAC and is led by the CPIE.
Practical informationAs the number of places is limited, reservations are essential. No ticketing on the day of the visit, payment is required upon reservation.the ticketing opens on January 12 at 10:00 am, online and in the tourist information offices of Caen and Ouistreham.


On Tuesday 18 February 2025
Tuesday Open from 14h to 16h30


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 7€
Reduced ratePersonnes en situation de handicap, Scolaires, étudiants, demandeurs d’emploi 6€
FreeMoins de 10 ans

Availability and reservation