Michel Cabieu, visite contée | RDV Découverte

Ouistreham, one night in July 1762, Michel Cabieu is awakened by cannon fire. What happened? And above all, what is Michel going to do? That's what you'll find out on this guided tour.
Claire Lesourd will lead the tour.
Practical informationAs places are limited, reservations are essential. Ticket sales open on January 17, 2025, online and at tourist information offices in Caen and Ouistreham.


On Thursday 15 May 2025
Thursday Open from 14h to 15h30


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 0€ 7€
Reduced ratePersonnes en situation de handicap, Scolaires, étudiants, demandeurs d’emploi 0€ 6€
FreeMoins de 10 ans

Availability and reservation