Stage : Human Beatbox avec Ezra

Human Beatbox? is a vocal art form accessible to all, regardless of age, culture or means, and is certainly the oldest musical practice in the world! Ezra offers to share his experience of this practice through the exploration of the vocal organ, breath, various techniques and collective improvisation tools. In addition to beatboxing, Ezra's artistic uniqueness stems from the use of a tool he developed with members of the Organic Orchestra company: "Le Grand Méchant Loop". This free, open-source looper enables live transformation of sound material to create tracks. Ezra offers a time of sharing, to initiate those interested in this performative e'lectro-acoustic de'marche, which provides an inexhaustible source for his compositions.


On Saturday 16 November
Saturday Open from 11h to 16h
On Sunday 17 November
Sunday Open from 10h to 13h


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 20€