Table ronde – Caen et l’eau : passé, présent et avenir, toute une histoire

label millénaire

Three perspectives, three voices, to analyze and understand the link between Caen and the watercourses that have flowed through and fed the city and its territory since its origins; a link that has shaped urban planning and its transformations over time. The first perspective is that of the archaeologist-geographer, who reconstructs the long-term history of the landscape in which Caen has taken its place, using water as a resource, but also considering water as a capricious ally that must be channeled and contained. The second perspective is that of the public player in the water sector, who draws on history and geography to preserve water resources and promote sustainable, responsible management of this resource in the context of sustainable regional development. The third perspective is that of the geographer, who draws on the lessons of the past and draws our attention to the consequences that climate projections may have on the place of water in the city and its territory in 2050 and 2100. In this round-table discussion, three viewpoints meet and three voices exchange, to share with you a story and experiences in which the past contributes to writing the future in the present.

Axel Beauchamp
Axel Beauchamp, geoarchaeologist with the Pas-de-Calais Archaeology Department, associate researcher with the CNRS UMR CReAAH laboratory, holder of a thesis on the evolution of Normandy rivers and their transformation by human activity over the last millennia, defended at the Université de Caen-Normandie.

Thierry Pay
Thierry Pay, Director of Water, Coast and Sea, Conseil Départemental du Calvados.

Daniel Delahaye
Daniel Delahaye, Member of the Normandy IPCC Professor of Geography, UMR IDEES CNRS 6266, Université de Caen Normandie, Vice-President of the Agence Normande de la Biodiversité et du Développement Durable (ANBDD).


On Thursday 27 March 2025
Thursday Open from 18h30 to 19h30


  • Free for all