The Run Sep 2024

For two days, you're invited to take part in supporting research and raising awareness of multiple sclerosis.
24 hours of relay running, races and walks for all levels, a round-table discussion, conferences and events! ProgramSaturday October 12 - Moho
(16 bis Quai Amiral Hamelin - Caen)9h : Welcome9h30 - 10h : Conference : Therapeutic news in MS 10h - 11h30 : Conference : Maintaining employment11h30 - 12h30 : Raising awareness and practicing physical activity and sports (information stands and demonstrations in the gymnasium)13h45 : Symbolic launch of the race towards the official start at Colline aux Oiseaux.
Join, encourage and support the runners at various points between the MoHo and Colline aux Oiseaux: Place de la république, Place du Canada, Cimetière Saint-Gabriel.
Limited number of places. Registration required on 02 31 08 16 00.Saturday, October 12 - Colline aux Oiseaux14h: Presentation of races, walks and teams14h30: Start of Team RUNSEP Solidaires relay, Team Solidaires Vélos and 24h team races14h30-19h: Free races, bikes and walks (4 courses for all levels).
Village open to all, with information stands and entertainment: table tennis, cycling, basketball, weightlifting, face painting for children, entertainment and games... Players from Caen Basket Calvados will be on hand to sign autographs and shoot a few hoops!
Activities with pre-registration recommended: Qi Gong at 3pm and 5pmNordic walking at 3pm, 4pm and 5:30pm
Art therapy workshops:2:45pm: The power of color15am: Dancing in a natural environment15:45pm: Stimulating your imagination17:15pm: Based on a work of art
Pre-registration on 02 31 08 16 00 or by e-mail.Sunday, October 13 - Colline aux Oiseaux10am to 2.30pm: Races, bike rides and free walks (4 courses, all levels)12.45pm: Draw for the winners of the treasure hunt14.30pm: Arrival of Team RUNSEP Solidaires, Team Solidaires Vélos and 24h team races14.45pm: Presentation of cheque to Fondation ARSEP
Village open to all with information stands and entertainment: table tennis, cycling, basketball, weightlifting, face painting for children, entertainment and games...
Activities with pre-registration recommended: Nordic walking at 10 and 11.30 a.m
Pre-registration on 02 31 08 16 00 or by e-mail.>


From Saturday 12 October to Sunday 13 October
Saturday Open
Sunday Open


  • Free