Visite guidée de l’église / Exposition de peintures | Journées européennes du patrimoine

Exhibition of paintings by local artists and guided tour of the church on request. Saint-Martin church, which dates back to the 11th and 12th centuries, was built in several phases. The first builders began with the nave, intended for services, then added the tower for defensive purposes, the choir and, later, the sacristy and side chapel. The church, dating from the late Carolingian and early Romanesque periods, is distinguished by its simplicity, responding to the spiritual needs of the local community. Despite its modesty, particular care was taken with the decoration. From the outset, the church featured a nave, a square tower topped by a belfry, and a choir, reflecting the religious community's attention to ornamentation.


From Saturday 21 September to Sunday 22 September
Saturday Open from 10h to 12h and from 14h to 18h
Sunday Open from 10h to 12h and from 14h to 18h


  • Free for all