Visite thématique de la place de la République : “Des “petits prés” à la place Royale”

On the occasion of its exhibition "De la place Royale à la place de la République. Four centuries of the history of the city of Caen (1575-1975)", the Musée de Normandie offers tours of the Place de la République, focusing on three main themes: Saint-Jean Eudes, missionary priestSummer 44, a square under the bombsFrom the "petits prés" to the Place Royale
"From "petits prés" to Place Royale" - Guided tour ? Duration 1h30 :
Built in the 17th century on the Petits Prés, then outside the city walls, Place Royale is the result of a vast modern urban planning project to create a monumental, spacious square. The "Place des Vosges caennaise" became Place de la Liberté during the French Revolution, then Place de la République in 1882. A gathering place for military parades, it was also a popular place to listen to concerts from the bandstand.
Price: 6? per person, bookable via the museum?s online ticketing service (Musée de Normandie > Adult activities). Each participant receives an invitation to the exhibition.


On Saturday 19 October
Saturday Open from 14h30 to 16h and from 16h30 to 18h


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 6€