Visite thématique de la place de la République : “Saint Jean Eudes, prêtre missionnaire”

On the occasion of its exhibition "De la place Royale à la place de la République. Four centuries of the history of the city of Caen (1575-1975)", the Musée de Normandie offers tours of the Place de la République, focusing on three main themes:Saint-Jean Eudes, missionary priestSummer 44, a square under the bombsFrom the "petits prés" to the Place Royale
Saint-Jean Eudes, prêtre missionnaire" tour, with access to the Notre-Dame de la Gloriette church ? Duration: 2 hours:
A key figure in Caen?s religious life, Jean Eudes is represented throughout the city: sculptures, frescoes, bas-reliefs, paintings? A neighborhood also bears his name. But do we really know him?
On this tour, from the Vieille Mission he founded and where he died, to the church of Notre-Dame de la Gloriette where his relics were preserved for a time, to the Seminary and Order of Notre-Dame de la Charité he founded, (re)discover this missionary priest canonized in 1925.
Price: ?6 per person, bookable via the museum?s online ticketing service (under Musée de Normandie > Adult activities). Each participant receives an invitation to the exhibition.


On Thursday 01 August
Thursday Open from 18h to 20h
On Friday 23 August
Friday Open from 14h30 to 16h30
On Friday 30 August
Friday Open from 10h to 12h
On Thursday 05 September
Thursday Open from 14h30 to 16h30
On Thursday 12 September
Thursday Open from 14h30 to 16h30
On Saturday 28 September
Saturday Open from 14h30 to 16h30 and from 16h30 to 18h30
On Thursday 03 October
Thursday Open from 10h to 12h


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 6€