Ornavik Park whisks you back to the 10th century and introduces you to Normandy's roots... from the Vikings to the Normans! Dive into the Middle Ages and visit the Carolingian village and Viking trading post to find out more about how these 10th century communities lived.
Further information
- Guided tour
Price | Min. | Max. |
Base rate - full rate adult | 12€ | 18€ |
Reduced rateEtudiants, demandeurs d'emplois, handicapés, Hérouvillais | 10€ | 15€ |
Child rate6 à 17 ans inclus | 9€ | 12€ |
Rate for families2 adultes et enfants de moins de 18 ans | 38€ | 49€ |
GratuitiesEnfants jusqu'à 5 ans |
Means of payment
- Carte bleue
- Postal or bank cheques
- Cash
Proposed services
- Picnic area
- Shop