V-Low – Cyclo-mobilité active

With V-Low and its active, electrically-assisted cyclo-mobility modes, get around Caen sustainably and discover the city in a whole new way!

The vélocoque or vélobus (5 adults or 8 children) are available on reservation to take you around Caen and its suburbs.
Safety equipment is provided and included in the price.


  • Base rate : VELOCOQUE 2 personnes (assurance comprise) > Déplacement réservé : 2,50 €/km | Forfait réservation 1 heure : 45 €
  • Base rate : VELOBUS 5 personnes (assurance comprise) > Déplacement réservé est à 6 €/km | Forfait réservation 1 heure : 17 €/personne.