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Caen celebrates its Millennium in 2025
In 2025, Caen will be celebrating its Millennium with an ambitious and unifying programme that will highlight its assets and arouse the pride of the people of Caen, while at the same time acting as a real lever of attraction for the region. The challenge is to make 2025 a pivotal year, drawing on its history and strengths of today to conquer the future.
Canadian remembrance route
From the trenches of the First World War to the Dieppe Raid and the D-Day landings on 6 June 1944, the Route du Souvenir pays tribute to the 500,000 Canadian soldiers who fought to restore Freedom to the French people on two occasions in the 20th century. This 400-kilometre route passes through emotionally-charged places such as Juno Beach and Caen, paying tribute to those generations who sacrificed their lives for Freedom.
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- Florence Nikolic
f.nikolic@caenlamer-tourisme.fr | Tel : +33 (0)2 31 27 14 12