MILO – The plant concept store


A warm and original concept store celebrating nature in all its forms on Ouistreham port. MILO showcases and sells products by artists, artisans and producers: homeware, crockery, toiletries, herbal tea, clothes and more to treat yourself or someone special. The holy trinity here is beautiful, natural and plant-based. It runs creative workshops for all ages making dream catchers, dried flower wreaths, leather jewellery, crochet and more.

Our + in favor of sustainable development : Ventes de produits éco-responsables (vaisselle en amidon de végétaux, cosmétique végétale bio, cadres en végétal durable), préférence donnée aux acteurs locaux, création d'un atelier de Noel (sapins en carton ondulé 100 % recyclable, créer soi-même de la décoration de Noel)


All opening periods have passed. Please contact the owner directly for more information


Means of payment

  • Carte bleue
  • Debit cards
  • Cash
  • Eurocard - Mastercard
  • Contactless payment
  • Visa